OMSA seeks to "Engage students in STREAM disciplines that will prepare future leaders who are innovative, persistent, and self-determined."
Old Main STREAM Academy (OMSA) is a public charter school located in the town of Pembroke in Robeson County, North Carolina. Charter schools, like traditional schools, are free; charters may not discriminate against any student. Both types of schools (public schools and public charter schools) receive state funding. Charter schools are independently run, and must meet state standards, including accountability measures such as the End-of-Grade testing.


At the heart of our school is a richly embedded curriculum that highlights the unique learning capabilities of our Robeson County students. Anchoring all of our learning is STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Our emphasis on critical thinking, as well as creativity, establishes an inviting learning atmosphere for all students. Of course, we are not abandoning state requirements, and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, as well as College and Career Readiness standards, will be embedded in our curriculum to ensure that our students are prepared for their future. Finally, we are infusing all learning with Place-based Instruction. Students will learn core disciplines through the unique richness of our community. Our concept of contextualizing learning for our students has them collecting samples from the Lumber River while learning about science. They learn about history from local historians. This interweaving of the NC Standard Course of Study and Place Based Education helps students make connections with the objectives being taught.