Please complete the Title VI Paren'Guardin Survey for Old Main STREAM Academy located here: Our administration, in conjunction with our parent committee will use the results in crafting our 2025-2026 objectives. Sincerely, Mrs. Eustacia Lowry-Jones, IEA Coordinator
5 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Title VI Parent/Guardian Survey
OMSA is closely monitoring the weather conditions. We will release at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 2/19/2025. Please make arrangements for our early release and stay safe! Lunch will be served.
about 1 hour ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Hello Firebird Family. Please take a moment and download the Old Main STREAM Academy App from the Apple or the Google Play Store. You can access the latest news, the calendar of events and PowerSchool using our App.
5 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Hello Firebird Family, As Valentine's Day is quickly approaching the administration wanted to remind all our stakeholders that sending flowers, etcetera is not allowed. We hope that all our families enjoy this special occasion together, but please refrain from sending those items to your students. Also remember that Old Main STREAM Academy provides free breakfast and lunch for our students through the National School Lunch Program. Participation in that program means that students should not have outside lunches delivered to them. Please assist us with meeting those program goals moving forward. Feel free to provide lunch on the days when we alert you to the fact that you may choose to provide your student with a lunch. Finally progress reports are going home today and student led conferences will begin the week of February 24th. Please reach out to your teacher if you have any questions. Thank you for all you do to help us be successful. Sincerely, Dr. Clark
7 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Dear Parents and OMSA staff, I want to sincerely thank you for your support of the Junior Beta Convention. Our students represented Old Main Stream Academy with outstanding behavior and dedication. Here’s a summary of our Jr. Beta trip results: • Giana Jones (7th grade) placed 5th in Solo Variety, showcasing her talent by playing the piano and singing Thank God I Do by Lauren Daigle. • Ezra Scott (6th grade) placed 5th in the Social Studies academic test. • Other members participated in various competitions, including apparel design, black and white photography, color photography, and multiple academic testing areas. We are incredibly proud of all our students for their hard work and achievements! Thank you again for your support. Leslie Locklear Old Main Stream Academy
12 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
🎉 Yearbook Order Information! 📚 Flyers have been sent home with all the details on how to order your yearbook! 📝 Don’t worry, we’ll send out reminders until the deadline so no one forgets to order! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact Ms. Chyna. Make sure you get your order in on time!
12 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Yearbook Order Form
Dear Kindergarten Parents, OMSA would like to provide you with an update regarding the assigned Black History Month project. Students should create a poster, which should include the following: A photo of their chosen person Date and place of birth Date of death (if not alive) Major Accomplishments Interesting facts The due date for submission is February 21, 2025. We encourage students to express their creativity. However, due to the short notice, students will not be permitted to dress up for this project. Thank you for your understanding and support. Kindergarten Staff
13 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
These featured Drop-In Events offer authentic opportunities to strengthen and grow readiness for academics! It is developmentally informed and specifically designed for ages 4-7.
22 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Junior Genius Hour
Genius hr & Drop In Event
🦅 OMSA Schedule Update for January 24 📅 Friday, January 24, will be a regular school day. Classes will begin at the normal time, and buses will arrive at designated locations on their regular schedules. 🍎 A light lunch will be provided; however, you are welcome to pack a lunch for your child if you prefer. ❄️ We look forward to the Place-Based Education snow stories and hearing all about your experiences. 🦅 Thank you for your continued flexibility and support. Stay safe and warm, and as always, we are eager to see our Firebirds ready for a great day!
26 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
🦅OMSA Inclement Weather & Schedule Update ❄️ OMSA will operate on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, January 23. Classes will begin at 10:00 am, and bus schedules will adjust accordingly. ❄️ We encourage our Firebird families to plan for the adjusted schedule and take extra care during the morning commute with cold weather in the forecast. ❄️ A light lunch will provided; however, you are welcome to pack a lunch for your child if you prefer. ❄️ We look forward to the Place-Based Education snow stories. 🦅 Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. Stay safe and warm, and as always, we look forward to seeing our Firebirds!
27 days ago, Dr. Christopher Clark
Early Dismissal Announcement for OMSA ❄️ Dear OMSA Community, ❄️ Due to anticipated inclement weather, OMSA will dismiss early tomorrow, January 10, 2025. Students will be released at 11:30 a.m. to ensure the safety of our Firebird students, families, and staff. 📚 All afternoon activities, including Expanded Learning will be canceled. Please make necessary arrangements for student pick-up or transportation. 🦅 We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our school community. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office at 910.775.9191 Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe! Respectfully, OMSA Board of Directors & Administration
about 1 month ago, Delois Lowry
NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OLD MAIN STREAM ACADEMY Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Old Main STREAM Academy is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024. The meeting can be accessed by the following link: The agenda will include: Academics, Governance & Operations, Finance, Updates concerning Old Main STREAM, Dean Report, and Items for Approval. The meeting will be held virtually and accessible to the public. Open Session Public Comments can be submitted through the following link: This is the 3rd day of October 2024. Dr. Rose Marie Lowry-Townsend Board Chairperson, The Board of Directors for Old Main STREAM Academy 202 N. Odum Street PO Box 128 Pembroke, NC 28372 Pc: ALL BOARD OF DIRECTORS (via electronic mail) All Advisory Board members (via electronic mail) General Counsel (via electronic mail) Posted on October 3, 2024 on Old Main STREAM Academy Facebook Page and Website
4 months ago, Dr. Christopher Clark